Any exam is cracked with perseverance, dedication and most importantly focused studies. Often it happens that fewer but dedicated hours of studies can help you pass the exam with flying colours. And as far as the CISA exam success is concerned, it is easier to crack if one knows the key to effective preparation. The CISA exam tips that we are going to share with you shall surely help in your CISA exam. So just follow the golden rules, and you’re already halfway there!
Before moving ahead with the 9 tips for CISA exam success, let’s clear some common questions.
What is CISA?
Well, the acronym CISA stands for Certified Information Systems Auditor. The professionals engaged in the IT/IS sector playing the role of auditors at the expert or practitioner level are associated with this position. Their roles and responsibilities revolve mainly around audit, control and security. CISA certification is a gateway for such professionals to prove their credibility and acquired skills on paper to excel in their career in the same field.
The CISA exam can be pretty strenuous and to prepare accordingly is our first lookout. The exam shall contain multiple-choice questions based upon the major CISA domain and training to evaluate the CISA job practice areas of the candidate. These domains can be listed as:
- Information System Auditing Process
- Government and Management of IT
- Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
- Information Systems Operations
- Protection of Information Assets
The exam scorecard ranges 200-800 words out of which a minimum of 450 marks are required to pass the exam. So, to acquire marks that justify your calibre, here we share with you the top 9 tips for your upcoming CISA exam.
9 Tips To Ace Your CISA Exam:

1. Course Books are your Bible:
The ISACA books should be your bible for CISA exam success. The CISA Review Manual also should be thoroughly studied as it shares the first-hand experience of attempting the CISA exam. Along with the Coursebooks, you should also take the help of various authentic study materials available online and offline.
Recommendation: You can apply for the study materials offered by ZOC technologies which will help you in concept clarity and smart study along with expert guidance and pro-tips.
2. Strategise and Streamline:
It’s important to know that there is no perfect study plan that shall suit everyone as it varies as per the requirement of the candidate. To devise and strategize the study plan, make sure you allocate slots to prepare for the written exams, practise tests, and training to be thorough with every concept in the stipulated time of your exam date. Give your preps exams and practice tests sincerely as it shares the insights of the level of difficulty and exam pattern of the main CISA certification exam.
Recommendation: Make a daily schedule to cover topics and training sessions and revise cumulatively at the end of each day. Also, give practice tests until you’re sure that you have excelled in your weaker section.
PS: You can customise your plan with us and get insights into the CISA exam.
3. Club up with Study Groups and CISA Community:
CISA community is an excellent platform to connect, communicate and comprehend the CISA exam structure. It helps you to expand your horizon of knowledge and take up knowledge from other professionals in the same field. Study groups are also a major factor that can help you to give your best through guidance and tips.
Recommendation: Make sure you are regularly connected with the CISA community and study groups to get regular updates and ideas for CISA exam success.
4. Review your Progress:
The self-assessment is very important to evaluate the level of progress you have achieved through your studies. It will also help you in time management during the exam. Make sure you review all the mock tests, find out the loopholes and work accordingly in the same concept.
Recommendation: Trust the ones who are already in the same field. Enquire about your reviews and grow your knowledge. Get expert reviews and prepare for striving your test!
5.Channelise your knowledge:
It often happens that MCQ turns out to be confusing. CISA exam is an exam for professionals and can trick you in many ways. The acquired knowledge and presence of mind plays the role here. Make sure you channelise your knowledge and answer the questions which best suits the asked question. You can develop it through various CISA mock tests and problem-solving assessments.
Recommendation: Do not go for free online tests as they would not be able to provide accurate assessments. Trust only the ISACA accredited companies to apply for exams and its training process.
6. Learn, Think and Become an IS auditor:
The mantra to be CISA certified is to imbibe the approach of an Information Systems auditor. Lay emphasis on the technicalities of system auditing and perspective as you start the preparation. CISA’s five domains should be thoroughly studied and implied in practice for a better concert clearance while writing the exam. Make sure the experience you gain is as per the guidelines and approach of ISACA.
Recommendation: Get proper training from experts to get insights into the auditing field even though you have prior experience. Sometimes, others’ advice can open new doors of thought. ZOC technologies offer experts with myriad experiences so you can find out the best human resources in one place.
7. ISACA is your guiding light:
ISACA is the governing body of the CISA examination and hence, it offers the complete guide to make your pathway for the CISA exam. The updated guide of ISACA is the guiding light that offers lots of useful information for the exam. You can download the ISACA guide from here. This guide gives a proper analysis of the exam registration process, dates of the exam, deadlines of documentation, and candidate details. It also covers the information on the domains, exam questions, length, pattern, languages, etc.
Recommendation: Always stay updated with the yearly updated guides issued by ISACA. Be aware of the change in the pattern of examination and mind map your preparation accordingly as per the weightage of topics. Get regular updates from ZOC if you think you need a push factor to lay the groundwork for your CISA exam success.
8. Be Exam-Ready:
Exam day is an exciting as well as a nervous day even for the professionals. Ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam with a proper exam kit, well-rested, and have a clear presence of mind. Also, stay hydrated and have enough food and fruits to maintain concentration. Do not stay up late to revise as it would only lead to anxiousness. Be confident that you are well prepared and have given the best during your exam preparation.
Recommendation: It is recommended that if you are planning to do a last-minute revision, you go for selective study. Cover the important topics, summaries and have a quick revision on the concepts you’re doubtful about.
9. Review before you submit:
Before the submission of the exam, analyse and self-assess your every question. Pay attention to the critical and confusing question. Sometimes, the confusing questions are often the one that seems simple so read twice and understand the gist of the same. Lastly, have faith in the answers that you opted for without a second thought. You may spoil your next questions if you stay anxious about the earlier answers. So, just trust your instincts and preparation.
Recommendation: It is important for the candidates to stay focused while answering and manage the time accordingly to attempt all the questions. Your knowledge and practice have to be showcased in the best way in the exam. So, make sure you work on that factor too.
So, if you’re sceptical about taking up the CISA exam just because you don’t have a mind map to start its preparation, you can follow the above tips and plan your CISA Certification accordingly. Similarly, you can talk to one of our experts of Zoc Learnings who can share their experience and personal guidance to bring out the best in the exam in a limited time frame! So, raise your doubts about the CISA exam and preparation with us.