Four Pillars Of Enterprise Architecture® - BDAT – Fourth Pillar - Technology Architecture

Four Pillars Of Enterprise Architecture® – BDAT – Fourth Pillar – Technology Architecture

Four Pillars Of Enterprise Architecture® – BDAT – Fourth Pillar – Technology Architecture

Four Pillars Of Enterprise Architecture® – BDAT – Fourth Pillar – Technology Architecture


Enterprise Architecture Framework has four types of Architectures elements or components namely – Business Architecture, Data, Application & Technology. [BDAT]

In this blog, we shall be describing fourth pillar – Technology Architecture. Other three blogs shared earlier, described Business, Data Architecture & Application. 

ADM, the architecture development method [ADM], has three phases where the B (business), D (data), A (application) and T (technology) architectures are developed, both for the “as-is” situation and for the desired “to-be” goal.

It is very evident from the above diagram that, Business Architecture is at the centre describing business need/requirements and business processes while Data and Application architecture gets mapped to Business Architecture converting needs to implementation, supported by technology architecture, acting as Enabler. 

Technology Architecture 

Technology Architecture is the detailed description of the various technology components needed to meet business objectives, the logic that governs them, and the data associated with them. Technology Architecture depicts or provides details related to software and hardware components and its logical relationship, linking it with Application and Data Architectures in turn linking with Business Architecture. Technology architecture focus on how components are designed and built to help to find robust and cost-effective software and hardware solutions. They act as the gateway between the software development team and the business to make sure that business needs are met. IT Architecture = Solution + Technical Architecture.

Technical Architecture is associated with IT Infrastructure of an organization. IT Infrastructure is a coherent set of interconnected hardware and software like networks, clouds, servers, clients, printers, tablet PC, smartphones, IoT devices and application built on these components. 

Technology Architecture comprise mainly of following components –

  • Software components
  • Integration Platforms
  • Data
  • Infrastructure / Cloud 

10 most common IT Architecture principles 

  1. Reuse before buy, buy (COTS) before build
  2. Business oriented view – Design with business perspective 
  3. Architecture Components are centralized
  4. Access to IT systems is authenticated and authorized
  5. Application Development is standardized 
  6. IT solutions are scalable
  7. Front-end is separated from back-end (MVC) (Headless pattern)
  8. All components have clear ownership
  9. Data is provided and maintained by source
  10. Reporting and analytical applications do not use operational environment

Enterprise Architecture Certification @Zoc

Enterprise Architecture certification at Zoc Learnings will help Architects to comprehend importance of developing various architectures by following ADM life cycle. 


Technology architecture associates application components from application architecture with technology components representing software and hardware components. Decision or option need to be evaluated for make or buy or hybrid for the enterprise’s technological infrastructure. Technology architecture provides a more concrete view of the way in which application components will be realized and deployed to achieve business goals & objectives as converted as Business Architecture. 


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