Enterprise Architecture ADM CYCLE | ZOC Learnings

Enterprise Architecture ADM CYCLE

Enterprise Architecture ADM CYCLE

Enterprise Architecture ADM CYCLE


Enterprise Architecture ADM Life cycle plays pivotal role in building enterprise architecture enabling to satisfy business and IT requirements of the enterprise. The Enterprise Architecture professional helps with developing and managing a company’s architecture and to form the base of Enterprise Architecture. To do this, the ADM is tailored according to the organisation’s needs and objectives. 

Understanding ADM or Exploring ADM

ADM stands or Architecture Development Method. 

The Enterprise Architecture Architecture Development Method Cycle (ADM) is broken down into different phases required to transition to Enterprise Architecture. The whole process works in iterative mode. The phases are iterative, both within each phase and among phases. 

The ADM life cycle can be modified to meet specific business requirements and is designed to be versatile and adaptive.

Every phase of ADM have Input and Output and deliverables. A work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders. It will typically be archived at completion of a project, or transitioned into an Architecture Repository as a reference model. (Knowledge base or Project Info-base) 

ADM Architecture Requirements Management – Requirements Management addresses business needs and priorities, stakeholders’ expectations in terms of functional and non-functional requirements, which gets translated to planning phase which is referred as ADM Preliminary Phase. 

ADM Preliminary Phase – The preparation and initiation activities required to create an Architecture Capability including customization of Enterprise Architecture and definition of Architecture. This is like Initiation and Planning phase. Foundation of entire life cycle is laid down here defining various deliverables. The ADM Preliminary Phase defines how things will be done with the Enterprise Architecture, including its principles and constraints that will be used or referred by referring to Architecture repository.  The ADM method is intended to be used by different industries, geographies, and enterprises. Therefore, it lays down the groundwork required for organizations to define any necessary framework and adapt to model to suit business requirements, making use of the Enterprise Architecture deliverables in the process.

ADM Phase A – Architecture Vision – Basis the need of defining Architecture Work, team involved determines scope basis current resources, feasibility, constraints, and budget. The critical activities are to confirm the architecture scope, stakeholders, stakeholder concerns, and constraints. ADM Architecture Vision gives a realistic assessment of what’s possible and not. Key elements of the phase include enterprise mission, vision, goals, strategy, and proposed architecture development planning. 

ADM Phase B – Business Architecture – Business architecture defines the baseline business architecture and target business architecture based on the needs/requirements. In this phase things like organizational design, enterprise processes, information flows, business capability, and strategic business planning are some of the critical activities performed. 

ADM Phase C – Information Systems Architecture – This phase combines Data and Information architecture enabling to translate business architecture thus enterprise architecture vision. 

ADM Phase D – Technology Architecture – This phase translates earlier defined architectures – Business, Data and Application into technology architecture in terms of various components and/or products. 

ADM Phase E – Opportunities & Solutions – Enables to identify current business opportunities, change parameters, and other variables that help organizations move from current architecture to the target architecture. This phase looks within enterprise in terms of reusable architecture building blocks, target applications architecture, statement of architecture work, target data architecture, target business architecture etc. 

ADM Phase F – Migration Planning – This phase involves implementation planning based on the formation of Architecture Vision and creation of various architectures and exploring various Opportunities & Solutions. A business value is assigned to work packages, and several other issues such as return-on-investment and performance evaluation criteria (KPIs/KRAs/SLAs) are also discussed.

ADM Phase G –  Implementation Governance – Appropriate governance processes are drafted. This phase also documents the architectural capabilities of the enterprise, additional details involved in migrating architecture to a newer level, and iterating multiple ADM cycles from a lower level. Good architecture governance helps to manage a project successfully while experiencing minimal risk.

ADM Phase H – Architecture Change Management – The phase works with the Architecture Requirements Management process and is continuous. This phase addresses Change management (CM) addressing changing business needs ensuring they align with business goals and environments.  Change requests may warrant additional updates or start a new cycle in the Architecture Development Method (ADM).

Enterprise Architecture Certification @Zoc

Enterprise Architecture certification at Zoc Learnings will help Architects to comprehend importance of developing various architectures by following ADM life cycle, governed by EARBs. 


A complete understanding of the Enterprise Architecture ADM will help an enterprise in realizing its goals and objectives by providing the best solutions for meeting all business milestones. The Enterprise Architecture ADM is designed to accelerate digital transformation for companies, target different users and consumers by evolving an adaptive management framework that works hassle-free.


Q1: What is Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle?

A1: Enterprise Architecture ADM (Architecture Development Method) cycle is a framework used in enterprise architecture to guide the development and management of an organization’s architecture. It provides a structured approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing architecture initiatives.

Q2: How many phases are there in the Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle?

A2: The Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle consists of nine phases:

1. Preliminary Phase

2. Architecture Vision

3. Business Architecture

4. Information Systems Architecture

5. Technology Architecture

6. Opportunities and Solutions

7. Migration Planning

8. Implementation Governance

9. Architecture Change Management

Q3: What is the purpose of the Preliminary Phase in Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle?

A3: The Preliminary Phase in Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle sets the stage for architecture development by defining the organization’s context, principles, and frameworks. Its primary purpose is to ensure that architecture efforts align with the business strategy and goals.

Q4: How does Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle address architecture change management?

A4: Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle addresses architecture change management in Phase 9. This phase focuses on monitoring and managing changes to the architecture and ensuring that they align with the established architecture vision and objectives.

Q5: What is the role of the Architecture Vision phase in Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle?

A5: The Architecture Vision phase in Enterprise Architecture ADM cycle is responsible for defining a high-level view of the future state architecture. Its role is to create a clear and shared understanding of the desired architecture outcomes among stakeholders.


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